Lilly Web ArchitectureI designed a web architecture to meet the needs of dozens of Lilly branded websites.
The design solution had to meet federal regulatory guidelines and be easy-to-use for a diverse audience of patients and healthcare providers.
Do user research
My team researched existing websites as well as competitive sites to determine which approach was clearest and easiest for users to understand.
Wireframe and Prototype
Built functional prototypes to make sure we stayed on the right track.
Plan the content strategy
Simplified the copy and content structure.
Design and test
Built a responsive grid system that was simple and clean on all platforms.
Get stakeholder feedback
Reviewed each site with the FDA for approval prior to launch.
I created a responsive design that consistently tests well with users for clarity and simplicity.
Introduced new interactivity and innovations—simplified forms and improved navigation.
Leveraged assets across brands helped reduce costs and shorten time to market.